My City: Paris

With Julien Messias, Founder, Head of Research & Development, Quantology Capital Management

What’s your favorite thing about Paris?

The French art-de-vivre. Paris is the only city where you can pick and choose your atmosphere thanks to the areas or the street you walk into.

Least favorite thing?

Nothing to complain about. Paris is unique. There is only one Paris. There is not enough Paris in the world.

What are your go-to restaurants?

Kinugawa Vendôme in Paris city center – where you can taste and enjoy Japanese fine cuisine.

L’Oiseau Blanc. Book a table on the rooftop where you can see the Eiffel Tower while eating French food and drinking French wine.

What recreational activities are good?

Beginning your day running along the docks when the sun rises in the heart of summer, when Parisians are still sleeping, and there are no cars in the streets.

What cultural centers / facilities are good?

Plan to visit the Musee d’Orsay if you like impressionniste paintings and painters (Monet, Renoir, Manet, Degas…). From Paris stations, you can easily visit all the cultural places close around or a bit further thanks to its best-in-class railway infrastructure. And cherry on the cake – visit the 14, rue de Tilsitt where Quantology Capital’s headquarters is located.

How’s the summer weather?

Definitely not hot enough, despite the global warming.

How has Paris changed over the past couple COVID years?

With remote working, less people take the subway and Paris looks emptier than ever. Definitely a good point.

If Paris were a stock, what would be the long-term reason to own it?

Its ability to amaze positively at each quarterly earnings release (i.e at every street corner)!

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